Brain Pill™ - Ingredients

Your Brain Will LOVE These Natural Nootropics and Cognitive Boosters!

Brain Pill™ contains 100% natural active ingredients and is scientifically formulated. Not only does each ingredient play a key role in your overall brain function, they were chosen for their ability to work together in a complimentary way, delivering you what we are sure is the most powerful, state-of-the-art brain health product.

When only the best will do – Make Brain Pill™ your first choice.

Positive, documented scientific research about the natural ingredients in Brain Pill™ will make you feel tremendously encouraged about the future of your mind and your memory.


Citicoline - Cognizin®

Citicoline (also known as CPD-Choline), a water soluble compound found in every cell in the body, has proven to be an exceptional brain nutrient and is available as Cognizin® Citicoline.

Cognizin® promises to help protect your brain from the ravages of time and the environment.

While other brain nutrients may assist the brain in a very narrowly targeted way, Cognizin® is known in its ability to impact many vital brain functions.

Your Brain Requires a Tremendous Amount of Energy!

Although your brain accounts for less than two percent of your body weight, it consumes 20 percent of your body's energy.

Aging decreases the amount of available energy produced by your brain. Studies showed Cognizin® to increase the activity of the mitochondria (the energy-producing furnaces in each cell) in your neurons to produce the necessary energy for proper cell function.

Cognizin® was also shown to promote brain metabolism by enhancing the production of neurotransmitters, especially acetylcholine, a key player in memory and cognition. Declining acetylcholine has been proven to result in memory decline as well as loss of the ability to store new memories.

Cognizin® has been shown to delay brain cell membrane damage and even to reverse some kinds of membrane damage.

According to Perry Renshaw, M.D., Ph.D., Director of the Brain Imaging Center at McLean Hospital, Harvard University and Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, "The unanticipated and somewhat remarkable result we found was that the brain energy supply…is actually increased in critical brain regions by this supplement."

Studies reveal that Cognizin® given to certain groups of elderly people resulted in improvements in measurements of memory, attention, behavior, reaction time, relational life, independence and cooperation.

It was also found to improve verbal memory in a group of healthy older adults who were free of any medical, neurological or psychiatric illness but who had relatively inefficient memories.

In a study of mentally healthy older adults, supplementation with Citicoline significantly improved immediate and short term memory, suggesting beneficial effects on the underlying cognitive processes of memory retrieval and storage.

Overall, Cognizin® has a multi-faceted effect on brain health showing increased concentration, focus and improved accuracy, better performance and improved speed on cognitive tasks.



Bacopa monnieri - Synapsa

Synapsa is a patented, standardized extract of bacopa monneiri and has been studied in a range of high quality clinical trials for more than a decade and has been documented to noticeably improve cognitive function and mental performance.

A 12-week study of 46 healthy adults, ages 18-60, showed a significant improvement in speed of their ability to process visual information and a statistically significant reduction in the rate of forgetting was also observed.

In another 12-week study, a group of adults between the ages 40-65 demonstrated a significant effect on the retention of new information.

A 90 day study with 62 participants ranging in age from 18-60, showed a significant improvement in working memory, visual information processing (also described as sustained attention) and accuracy in complex cognitive tasks.

Overall the benefits reported included:

  • Faster Information Processing

  • Improved Learning Rate

  • Decreased Forgetting Rate

  • Improved Memory Consolidation

  • Better Multitasking Accuracy

A study presented in 1996 at the International Brain Research Conference demonstrated that a regular consumption of bacopa monnieri reduced the time needed to learn new tasks by almost 50 percent.

Another study by researchers at the University of Wollongong in Australia showed that bacopa monnieri improves memory and recall abilities, while a similar study - conducted in 2012 by researchers at Khon Kaen University in Thailand - proved that participants who took bacopa for a 12-week period scored far better in mental processing tests than those who took the placebo.

According to the University of Michigan Health System, the reason bacopa is good for your brain is because it contains bacosides, chemical compounds that can repair damaged neurons, thus improving nerve impulse transmission.

In another study, reported in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, elderly volunteers who took 300 milligrams of bacopa monnieri daily demonstrated greater improvement in the areas of attention and verbal information processing than those who took a placebo.

The study authors concluded that regular consumption of bacopa monnieri is an excellent guard against age-related cognitive deterioration, as well as mental diseases like Alzheimer's disease and dementia.



Huperzine A

Derived from club moss, Huperzine A protects your brain function by preventing the breakdown of ACh (acetylcholine), a neurotransmitter that increases alertness and plays a key role in memory.

As the carriers of chemical messages from one nerve cell to the next, neurotransmitters are critically important.

Alan Kozikowski, Ph.D., pharmacology professor at Georgetown University's Institute of Cognitive and Computational Sciences, Washington, D.C., is the researcher who first synthesized Huperzine A in 1991 and he reports that 100,000 people in China have been treated with Huperzine A and Chinese researchers reported it helped people with memory problems.

Further research conducted by Alan A. Mazurek, M.D., attending neurologist, Division of Neurology, Mercy Medical Center, Rockville Center, New York revealed increased memory function on the subjects using Huperzine A, tested in his research facility – some of whom had severely compromised memory.




Derived from the periwinkle plant, Vinpocetine is used to enhance memory and cognition.


  • Dilates blood vessels

  • Enhances blood flow to the brain

  • Supports the proper function of red blood cells

  • Reduces blood viscosity

  • Enhances energy production in the brain

Studies performed on Vinpocetine reveal how it works in the brain and improves overall cerebral efficiency:

  • Enhances vascular circulation in the brain specifically

  • Increases the production of ATP in the brain (the primary form of stored energy in cells)

  • Improves the brain's utilization of oxygen and metabolism of glucose



Gingko Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba, extracted from the ginkgo tree, expands blood vessels, which in turn enhances your circulation, allowing for better delivery of oxygen and blood glucose to the brain. Ginkgo has powerful antioxidant effects, which means it can help prevent brain deterioration and muscle breakdown.

It's been suggested that gingko improves concentration and other mental functions but also keeps your mind from declining with age.

Gingko can also improve the retention of learned behavior, with profound effects on learning, recall and short-term memory formation. A study of 80 healthy women in Germany showed that those taking 600 mg of gingko experienced significant improvement of short-term memory only one hour later.

Another study of 202 Alzheimer's patients in New York found that after only six months of using Gingko Biloba, these patients showed substantial improvements in both mental performance and social functioning.

Widely accepted for its "smart drug" properties, Gingko Biloba increases blood flow to the tiny blood vessels in the brain and works to fight free radicals.



Vitamin B12

B12, well documented to be important for healthy nerves and red blood cells, may also help protect your brain from shrinking with age.

In a small observational study published in Neurology, British researchers reported that older people with low — but still normal — levels of B12 were six times more likely to experience brain atrophy as those with the highest levels. The low-B12 group in the study also lost twice as much brain volume on average.

"Many factors that affect brain health are thought to be out of our control," said Anna Vogiatzoglou, MS, of the University of Oxford. "But this study suggests that…consuming more vitamin B12 is something we can easily adjust to prevent brain shrinkage and to perhaps save our memory."

"Vitamin B12 and cognition have been linked in research with evidence going back a long way," notes Irwin H. Rosenberg, MD, editor of the Tufts Health & Nutrition Letter and director of Tufts' HNRCA Neuroscience and Aging Laboratory.

In another study, published in the journal Neurology, Christine C. Tang-ney PhD, and colleagues looked at vitamin B12 status in 121 seniors. Those found to have insufficient levels of vitamin B12 were at greater risk of poorer cognitive function.

Vitamin B12 status was associated with performance on various cognitive tests, including perceptual organization and speed, episodic memory and semantic memory.



Vitamin B6

According to Dr. Andrew Weil, Vitamin B6 aids in the production of neurotransmitters, the chemicals that allow brain and nerve cells to communicate with one another.

Researchers report that older adults with higher blood levels of the B vitamins and omega-3s scored better on tests of mental performance and showed healthier brains in MRI scans.



DHA Complex

Beyond its general importance to all our cell membranes, DHA has extra special importance for brain cells. Long-chain omega-3s supports the growth and development of the fetal brain and the importance of DHA for the brain continues all the way through to the end of life.

Much of DHA's action in the brain is wrapped up with PS molecules (see next ingredient). The structure of DHA enhances the ability of PS to 'fluidize' essential proteins, which are crucial for initiating and consolidating memories.

Experts explain that the PS in our brain cells needs DHA, and the DHA needs PS. This is an example of biochemical synergy between two important 'orthomolecules*'. Both are essential to the total performance of the brain. Both work best to help the brain when the other is fully available.

Dr. Norman Salem, the accomplished brain biochemist working at the U.S. National Institute for Mental Health, suggested, together with others of his team, that PS with DHA is one of the most important molecules for the brain.

*Orthomolecular medicine is a form of alternative medicine aimed at maintaining health through nutritional supplementation.



PS (Phosphatidylserine)

PS is derived from lecithin and works to improve attention, concentration, mood and short-term memory as well as the performance of everyday activities, by enabling nutrients to enter brain cells more easily and support the function of neurotransmitters.

In the aging brain, a decline in function is associated with memory impairment and deficits in cognitive abilities. PS has been the subject of 23 studies in the United States and abroad. The findings indicate that PS improves short-term memory and other important daily functions.

Additional studies show that PS helps people with memory problems to improve their concentration, recall of names, faces and phone numbers.

Altogether, the findings from more than a hundred human research studies, and other studies, support the conclusion that PS benefits just about every brain function that can be tested.

These benefits go from boosting glucose consumption by the aging brain, to enhancing nerve cell receptors for growth factors and nerve transmitters to stimulating membrane signal transduction functions for memory consolidation.

The many clinical trials done with PS clearly prove it has the potential to help "turn back the clock" on brain decline.




Tyrosine is an amino acid that boosts dopamine production to help improve focus. Research shows that soldiers who took tyrosine vs. a placebo performed better and had greater stamina during strenuous activity performed while they were sleep-deprived.

Tyrosine is also the main building block of norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that increases energy levels.

Tyrosine is a direct precursor to the brain chemicals norepinephrine and adrenaline, two determinants of mood, sex drive and energy level.

Dr. Julian Whitaker of the Wellness Institute in Newport Beach, CA points out that norepinephrine causes the blood vessels to constrict, so you might suspect tyrosine would increase blood pressure. However, quite the opposite is true.

Tyrosine tends to elevate norepinephrine in the brain rather than the body, and this causes a reflex response reaction of the body's blood vessels, which tends to lower blood pressure.

Dr. Mark Hyman reports that L-Tyrosine plays a role in promoting healthy neurotransmitter function in response to environmental and emotional stress.

L-Tyrosine enhances mood and cognitive function especially in situations involving stress or when dopamine, epinephrine or norepinephrine levels require additional support.

Research proves that L-Tyrosine promotes cognitive function and memory under stressful conditions, and in one study, L-tyrosine enhanced mood and sleep in subjects with low dopamine levels.




L-Theanine is a major amino acid uniquely found in green tea and has been historically reported as a relaxing agent that stimulates brain waves, the same ones active in meditation.

Neurochemistry studies suggest that L-Theanine increases brain serotonin, dopamine and GABA levels. Studies further suggest improvement in learning and memory.

Overall, studies suggest L-Theanine offers possible neuroprotective and cognitive enhancing agents.


Pantothenic Acid

Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5)

Pantothenic acid is an essential ingredient of two substances: coenzyme A and acyl carrier protein, which play a part in supporting that all important neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, which is sometimes referred to as 'the memory chemical.'

Derived from the Greek word Pan, meaning 'everything,' every living organism needs pantothenic acid to survive. Since humans don't make this vitamin, it must be obtained from food or supplementation.


Folic Acid

Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)

The University of Maryland Medical Center reports that Folic acid is crucial for proper brain function and plays an important role in mental and emotional health.

It aids in the production of DNA and RNA, the body's genetic material and works closely with vitamin B12 to help make red blood cells and helps iron work properly in the body.